Alita: Battle Angel |
**Alita: Battle Angel** is a captivating cyberpunk action film set in a dystopian future. The story begins in the year 2563, 300 years after "The Fall," a catastrophic war. Dr. Dyson Ido, a compassionate cyber-doctor, finds Alita, a deactivated female cyborg, in the scrapyard of Iron City. He revives her with a new body, and she awakens with no memory of her past, embarking on a journey of self-discovery.
Alita quickly adapts to her new life, forming a bond with Ido and befriending Hugo, a young man with dreams of moving to Zalem, the floating city that governs Iron City. Hugo introduces her to Motorball, a brutal sport popular in Iron City. Alita's combat skills are revealed during an altercation, where she instinctively uses Panzer Kunst, a lost combat art of the Martian military, hinting at her mysterious past.
As Alita uncovers more about herself, she learns she was a warrior from Mars, designed for warfare. Her memories reveal that she possesses a berserker body, enhancing her abilities. She registers as a Hunter-Warrior to protect Iron City from criminals and delves deeper into her origins.
The antagonist, Vector, controls the Motorball competitions and works for the mysterious Nova from Zalem. Vector manipulates Hugo, leading to tragic consequences. Alita's journey becomes an external battle against her enemies and an internal struggle to understand her identity and purpose.
The film climaxes with intense action sequences, where Alita showcases her combat prowess. She takes on formidable foes in the Motorball arena and confronts Vector, realizing that Nova is the true power behind the operations. The movie concludes with Alita determined to challenge Nova and bring justice to Iron City, setting the stage for her ongoing quest for truth and empowerment.
Title: Alita: Battle Angel
Director : Robert Rodriguez Release : 2019 Duration: 2h 2m Rate:7.3/10 Language: Dual